I decided to take advantage of the waining days of summer to read a purely entertaining, beach read. Mary Higgins Clark's thriller/mystery Two Little Girls in Blue was undeniably un-put-down-able! I've read a few of her mysteries--usually over Christmas break--and enjoyed them. But this was the best of hers that I've read! Twin 3-year-old girls are kidnapped one night while there parents are off at a company dinner. They are instructed to pay a whopping $8 million ransom. They do and get instructions on where to find the girls, only to get there and discover one of the girls still missing and a note saying the kidnapper had accidentally killed the other child. Using twin telepathy, the returned twin starts telling her mother that her sister is scared and wants to come home. The rest of the book is a thrilling race against the clock to find the other twin. The characters are engaging, and the plot twists kept me on the edge of my seat!
I've often said that Mary Higgins Clark is a good story-teller, even if she isn't known for her poetic sentences. Other than a few awkward bits of dialogue that were used to divulge some back story, that didn't bother me in this book. I can't remember which book it was--it might have been one of the Christmas stories she co-wrote with her daughter--but she kept annoyingly saying that the character had a container of coffee. I'm pretty sure she meant a to-go cup of coffee from Starbucks, but kept using the word "container." It was very distracting. Where was the copy-editor!? This book, I'm glad to say, used the proper nouns to describe what the characters were holding. I highly recommend.
Wave Two, Weight Loss
13 years ago
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